The Science of Procrastination - And How To Manage It
face it you're likely reading this article in an effort to avoid some other
tasks you're procrastinating to learn how to stop procrastinating but the clock
is ticking so why can't you seem to stop though the psychological causes are
still debated there's a human tendency to over or underestimate the value of a
reward based on its temporal proximity. This is often referred to as temporal
discounting for example if I offered you $100 today or 110 in a month most
would take the hundred and run. But what if instead I offered you 100 dollars
in a year or 110 in a year and one month suddenly you might say to yourself if
I can wait a year I can wait the extra month but the time and value difference
are the exact same in each example it turns out that human motivation is highly
influenced by how imminent the reward is perceived to be meaning, the further
away the reward is the more you discount its value.
is often referred to as present bias or hyperbolic discounting so being on Facebook
reddit Twitter or YouTube is more rewarding than a perfect score on your test
until temporal proximity increases the value of a good mark on your chest and
you cram all night on top of this every time something enjoyable happens. You
get a dose of dopamine which modifies the neurons in your brain making you more
likely to repeat the behavior. The problem is video games or browsing the
Internet provide many small quick and continuous rewards unlike your term essay,
which is a one-time future reward, so how do you overcome the intrinsic urge to
put off so many tasks unfortunately there isn't just one solution but try
rewarding yourself in intervals with a snack the internet or other enjoyable
Pomodoro Technique makes use of a timer work for 25 minutes straight and when
you're done this give yourself the reward in a 5-minute break then start the
working clock again gradually increasing the amount of work time you put in
will improve your high-level executive functioning acknowledge your procrastination
your future self-will procrastinate it's been shown that creating a
self-imposed costly deadline is an effective way to manage your working habits
with externally imposed deadlines being even more effective also try and enjoy
the process of achieving something instead of thinking only our minutes of
torture try thinking, I'm doing something great or I enjoy being productive to
the same token make a list of the reasons you want to complete the goal
reinforcing that you want to do it minimizes indecision oftentimes. Procrastination
is a symptom not a cause and the power of being properly motivated can take you
far finally if you can remove the temptations turn off the internet uninstall
your favorite game or work somewhere else putting obstacles in the way of your procrastination
tools can be a great trick to keep you on track.
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