Forms of Psychotherapy

           We are discussing different forms of psychotherapies that are mainly defined as different forms of verbal treatments that are devised for the treatment of different sorts of medical or psychological ailments.

 Now what are the different types or kinds of the psychotherapies, we'll be discussing them over here in this section. There are different approaches there can be the cognitive therapies, the behavioral therapies then we have the humanistic approaches which are basically the newer techniques that are implied. Freud, Simon was one of the scientists that worked quite hard for the development of the psychotherapies and the different techniques are devised that were originally developed by Freud, Simon and that are implicated to treat these psychological ailments in a lot of patients. So, there are a lot of beneficial effects that are ranging to these psychotherapies.

A range of psychological disorders can be treated through these psychotherapies it can vary from the depressive episodes from the anxious episodes even a lot of phobias and schizophrenias can be treated through these psychological therapies. Sometimes if the need is over there, they are sometimes coupled on with the pharmacological therapies just to enhance the outcomes of a certain therapy that is carried out in an individual.

We'll be discussing first of all the effectiveness of the psychotherapies over here how are these psychotherapies effective in different kinds of cases and what are the factors that basically vary the outcome in different individuals it can range from the environmental factors from the personal factors of the patient as well. So, the different types of the psychological therapies will be discussed over here and then the different approaches of these psychological therapies will also be discussed over here so what are the different techniques that are devised when you're carrying out the psychological therapies.

Sometimes mostly the patients think that a medicine or a pharmacological drug would be more effective than just carrying out a psychotherapy but most of the psychological ailments can be treated just by carrying out an effective psychotherapy and the techniques if they are used in their particular manner in the right way the results can be quite astonishing. In a lot of patients more than 75 to 90 percent of the people who receive the therapy feel that it has helped them out longer a person stays in the therapy the greater the improvement is, so the psychotherapy works as well alone or as it can be also combined with the drugs or with the pharmacological therapies in a lot of cases so there are a lot of types of the psychotherapies.

The techniques and the model factor the expectancy and the placebo effects are sometimes devised to see what the effectiveness of these psychotherapies is and then the therapeutic relationship is almost 30 percent the client variables and the extra therapeutic events can also affect the outcomes of the psychotherapy. In these cases that we're talking about so no one psychotherapy method is effective for all problems matched to the particular client and the particular problem. It is again very useful the different kinds of approaches that we were already discussing it basically depends upon the electric therapies that we've already been using and then we have the common factors approach that is sometimes quite useful.

When you're carrying out these kinds of approaches in this method the common factors approaches it basically depends upon a therapeutic alliance, established between the patient as well as the therapist when you're talking about it and then we have the exposure of the patient to the prior difficulties either in imagination or it can also be in reality that these patients are sometimes carried out, now allows basically the patient to experience the past problems in new and more benign ways. So, these are the key factors over here when you're carrying out these common factors approach in this particular patient that we're talking about expectations for a positive change so the patient should always expect a positive change when he's carrying out that particular kind of psychotherapy. There's a therapeutic alliance protected settings are being used, learning and practice of new behaviors are being used, and there's a positive experience for the client and for even the family as well. So, this is the crux when we're talking about the common factor approach it should be a protected setting there should be the communication skills that we've already talked about between the patient as well as the doctor when he's carrying out those counseling sessions or the verbal talk out sessions with his or her patient or client.

EBTS is another technique that is basically the evidence-based therapies that are in a lot of cases they're devised what basically it refers to the techniques or the interventions that have produced the desired outcomes in the individuals or the therapeutic changes in the controlled studies in a lot of cases. When we have a patient at our hand and he's basically suffering from some sort of a psychological ailment what are the approaches that we're going to have if we consider it to be a general problem for example it can be a case of anxiety or depression or certain phobias can also present as the psychological ailments and when you're trying to treat that patient you're trying to choose between the range of the therapies that are available for you ranging from the common factors approach even to the evidence-based approach you're going to weigh the risk versus the benefit ratio when you are carrying out a particular type of treatment. So, this evidence-based therapies are sometimes carried out depending upon the outcomes in that particular patient. For example, if you have a patient of depression at your hand and you are trying to carry out a particular kind of treatment you're going to arrange these treatments according to the clinical scores that you have already took for example there's a clinical range cases severity adjusted improvement scores so these are the different scoring methods over here it is known as an econ and it's almost over here in this case.

Basically, we highlighted the different approaches of the psychotherapies that can be carried out and then we also discussed the EBTS that is the evidence-based therapies that are being carried out so that is the end of this section.


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